Supplemental Procedures
Reasons for Supplemental Procedures
When you chew with your natural teeth, they send signals to your jawbone that keep it strong. If a tooth is no longer there, your jaw stops receiving signals and weakens over time. Living with a missing tooth for a while can lead to the jawbone becoming thin and soft.
Dental implants can function like a natural tooth and keep your jawbone strong, but when placed they require your jaw to be strong enough to support them. Supplemental procedures can make your jaw strong again so you can have a healthy, beautiful smile.
Types of Supplemental Procedures
Bone Regeneration
Also called bone grafting, this procedure aims to restore bone mass to your lower jaw. A piece of bone, often removed from your wrist, hip, or ribs, will be placed in your jaw to stimulate new bone growth.
Sinus Augmentation
A sinus augmentation, or sinus lift, is similar to bone grafting. A sinus lift is performed when your missing tooth is on your upper jaw. The upper jaw has less bone mass to begin with, so many people with missing teeth on the upper jaw require a sinus lift.
Ridge Modification
Wearing dentures or other complications can cause your jaw to become misshapen. Ridge modification can reshape your jaw by using bone grafting material to level uneven parts.
After your procedure, new bone mass will take a while to grow. You’ll have to wait a few months for your jaw to strengthen before Dr. Spadafora can place your implants.
Contact Us for a Stronger Jaw
If you’re interested in dental implants but have been missing teeth for a while, a supplemental procedure may be right for you. Dr. Spadafora can determine which procedure you’ll need and expertly restore your smile.
To schedule your consultation or ask questions, call (724) 342-7395. You can also fill out our online contact form and we’ll get right back to you.